3 Frequently Asked Questions Regarding a Personal Injury Claim
What is the process for pursuing a personal injury claim?
How Long Will My Claim Take to be Finalized?
Every personal injury claim is unique to its own specific circumstances. Nonetheless, the amount of time required to finalize your claim will depend upon the extent of your injuries and the time it takes to complete your medical treatment. Once you have concluded treatment and your attorney has obtained your medical records and gathered all the necessary documentation, it generally takes approximately 60 days for your attorney to negotiate with the insurance company for a fair and reasonable settlement,
However, if the insurance company is not willing to make a reasonable offer that adequately compensates your damages, then your attorney will file suit. Once your attorney files suit, your claim will take longer to resolve; however, a successful mediation can expedite the process.
How much will I get paid?
If you have been injured by someone else’s negligence, it is only natural to be concerned about how much you will be paid. Although every case is unique, your compensation is usually determined by three things:
- Who is at fault (i.e, in auto crashes, if you bear some responsibility for the collision, your compensation may be reduced)?
- How badly were you injured?
- To what extent has this negligent act affected your life (to include medical expenses, lost wages, diminished earning capacity, pain and suffering, physical disability, and more)?